Published on 03.05.2024
Aurélien Fauquex and Yannick Charroton, the two founders of Lambda Health System

New Patent for Lambda !

The future belongs to those who know how to innovate!

It's here! A new patent that represents months of hard work by our talented team here at Lambda Health System. We're proud to see our commitment to research and development pay off.

This patent is a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation to deliver leading-edge mobility and rehabilitation solutions.
A huge thank you to our entire team for their dedication and ingenuity, and to our partners and collaborators for their ongoing support in this adventure!

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An inspiring morning at Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud - HESAV

We had the pleasure of introducing our Lambda robot to the next generation of physiotherapists.

Many thanks to all the students and teachers who attended this demonstration. Their enthusiasm and pertinent questions made this morning truly enriching, it was fantastic to see the interest and curiosity of future healthcare professionals.
We firmly believe that collaboration with academic institutions like HESAV is essential to shape the future of physiotherapy and improve patients' quality of life !

Thanks again to Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud - HESAV for their warm welcome. We look forward to continuing to share our innovations and work together for a better future in rehabilitation.

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Demonstration at Pôle Saint Hélier in Rennes, France

A rewarding day at the Pôle Saint Hélier in Rennes !

We're delighted to have had the opportunity to present our Lambda robot to the rehabilitation teams, including physiotherapists and APA professionals.

We were impressed by the quality of the patient's therapeutic pathway and the organization around it, thanks to everything that the Pôle Saint Hélier teams put into it!

Strengthening ankle dorsiflexion was clearly the highlight of the Lambda demo day. Whether concentric, eccentric, active assisted or via exergames, Lambda always finds a solution to suit your patients!

Many thanks to the teams for their warm welcome and constructive feedback.
Together, we're helping to transform rehabilitation care and open up new perspectives for patients.

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Klinik Bavaria Bad Kissingen explains how they use our Lambda

Check out the video from Klinik Bavaria Bad Kissingen, which shows how our Lambda makes rehabilitation fun, even for severely disabled people.
Physiotherapist Susanne and rehabilitator Kira show you in this video exactly how it works.

Many thanks to the entire team at Klinik Bavaria Bad Kissingen for their trust and valuable collaboration.
Together, we are making significant progress in the field of physiotherapy and kinesitherapy.

Watch the video here:

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Demonstration in CHRU Brest in France

An exciting day at CHRU Brest!

We were proud to have the opportunity to present our Lambda robot to the rehabilitation teams at CHRU de Brest.
Thank you to the patients and physiotherapists for their warm welcome and invaluable feedback.

Together, we are taking a significant step forward in enhancing care and supporting neurological patients in their rehabilitation journey.

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